Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Post #3- Sahara Museum Tour and Archives

          Today I was able to five my first museum tour. After observing several torus lead by Doug, I felt that I was ready to lead a tour. A daycare of a wide range of students were scheduled for today. Doug agreed to split the tour so that i would not be overwhelmed. I took the first half of the tour which included the carriage room and the Pre/Colonial Mobile room. The kids were excited to be at the museum and see all of the artifacts. During the tour I learned some different techniques to maintain the children's attention and can't wait for my next chance to lead a tour on Friday.
          Earlier this week I make copies of artifacts for the new exhibit coming this Fall. Mr. Scotty needed me to copy them so that he would not have to continuously use the originals while writing the text panels.  The artifacts were letters from the 1900's and were very fragile. Some of the papers had become see through and I was extra careful to not tear them.  I was thrilled to hold history in my hands. I'm finding a new found love for the archives room, where I can actually touch history. 
          This week I have also spent time in the Welcome Center at Fort Conde. People from all over the world come and are welcomed to Mobile at Fort Conde. I met a variety of people and was able to direct them to different attractions in Mobile. 

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